Houston gay bars thanksgiving

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We’ll also tell you your last day to order and provide a link or a phone number for more information. Next we’ll mention unique sides or desserts so you get an idea of the range of dishes offered.

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Some places, however, will sell you a brined raw turkey or a hot Thanksgiving meal to-go. For many, you will need several hours to heat up the turkey, and you will need oven space to reheat sides. Most of these meals come fully cooked and refrigerated. Then, we will list the main entrée choices, including vegetarian options. First, we will tell you if the establishment is open on Thanksgiving. Because of the sheer number of options, we’re keeping the small talk to a minimum and just sticking to the facts. This list will help you navigate all the mouthwatering entrées and satisfying sides. If you don’t want to cook for Thanksgiving (November 25) this year, Houston has dozens of tasty Turkey Day takeout options.

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